The world has concentrated on all other subjects and but the important teaching of the transition from boys and girls to man and womanhood respectively has been neglected and in most cases completely left out.
Transitioning from teenage hood to adulthood is a process that needs mentoring and coaching. Not just an adult but an effective influential adult who will impact humanity.
Adolescents need to be taught, they need somebody trustworthy to hold their hands
into adulthood. There are many adults who have already walked this journey and they need to share their stories with our young boys and girls so that they get direction.
The concept of our elders teaching younger girls and boys is slowly fading away and
we need to bring it back into our communities. Girls learn by example and
practicing and boys learn by role modelling. For this to happen there has to be mentors and coaches, aunties and uncles to play these roles in their lives.
This immersion program will be a life changing experience that you cannot miss.